About Vince Norris

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So far Vince Norris has created 3 blog entries.

Non-psychotropic CBD oil

Non-psychotropic CBD oil was declassified by President Obama with the implementation of the 2014 Farm Act. As a result, Americans are now enjoying the incredible benefits of this nutrient-rich, powerfully healing oil. Ayurvedic Physician, Dr. Abbas Qutab, the director of a school in Boston that I used to teach at, shares the benefits of this [...]

Non-psychotropic CBD oil2020-02-28T10:36:16-08:00


The bark from the symplocos racemosa tree, called Lodhra in Sanskrit, means "that which makes the body firmer". It is an ancient Ayurvedic herb that has been used for thousands of years to improve women's health and cool pitta. Rasa (taste): Kashaya (astringent) Guna (quality) : Laghu (light) Ruksha (dry) Virya (energy): Shita (cooling) Vipaka [...]


Happy May Day

Winter matured into Spring, and now Spring hits it's high point as we witness Nature's mutations from Earth to Water, Water to Fire. The barren soil and snow found solace in the rain. Children dance in the downpour, dormant seeds germinate, precipitating new life. Like the flowers, we gravitate toward the Sun. Rising from the [...]

Happy May Day2018-05-07T18:25:46-07:00
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