I am so happy I get to be the one to share this info with you! I have partnered with an amazing company that now tests your DNA for variants that could affect your organs, glands, bones, heart, reproductive & nervous system, etc to detect any gene variants you might have. This will give a broader perspective on your health challenges, allowing you to see what may be causing mild or chronic illnesses. Once that is determined by swabbing your own cheek with the test kit you purchase, your sample is sent to a third party lab via a private bar code, which is HIPPA regulated for autonomy.
NOW THIS IS WHERE IT GETS AMAZING! When the lab is complete with your testing, they send it back to the company, where they match it to your name to compound a unique, customized organic, wild crafted, non-GMO Ayurvedic and Chinese herbs, vitamins, mineral, superfoods and other nutraceuticals for YOU PERSONALLY. One of the premier ingredients, AC-11 an aqueous extract of Uncaria tomentosa, a medicinal plant indigenous to the Amazon rainforest activates the healing of the telomeres. It is included in all the formulas so that your gene receptors can heal if the DNA variant has again began to mutate.
You will receive your supplements monthly, (starting one month after ordering) either in veggie caps or powder (that we ayurvedic practitioners love!). An associate who has been on the program for a year and a half was really sick with Hashimoto’s and autoimmunity, because of several markers that she didn’t know about. One of these was the gene variant for Vit D synthesis. She is doing fabulous, and still goes and get her blood work done every 3 month with her Functional Doctor who said she’s never seen such high Vit D in anyone now! That was a game changer for her. What would a game changer do for you health?
Here are a couple of 3 minute videos that talk about the testing and the products, and at the end is a link to the website.
I have included a copy of one of the test available so that you can review it if desired. CLICK HERE
Here is a photo of the Ütritionator, the equipment that the owner created to compound the formulas!